
Theologically speaking, our mission is to act as God’s hands and voice, ministers of reconciliation in our commitment to Jesus. Our mission statement is: We seek to be a vital, caring, Christian community committed to the sacred and spiritual amidst the secular by experiencing God in Christ in worship, service, education, and fellowship. We welcome others searching for this experience. Practically speaking, we are encouraged not only hear Jesus’ words, but to strive to live them out through ministries integral to the life of the church. That means our emphasis is on partnership with Jesus Christ, and our challenge as followers of Jesus is to live our lives his way—believing in what he believed in, loving what he loved, opposing what he opposed. This leads us to declare our emphasis on: Caring: As members of First Presbyterian, we are encouraged to not only contribute economically to helping the less fortunate, but also to become physically, mentally and emotionally involved in our common ministry, using our gifts as God’s people in the service of others. Also, as a congregation we display our support and spiritual encouragement to each member of the congregation. Inquiring: As members of the local and global community, we believe it is our responsibility to understand the complexity of the issues that shape our world today. It is through this understanding that we can best be of service to those organizations and communities in need. Inclusiveness: We see in the gospels a Jesus who was radically inclusive of his society’s outcasts. We believe that every group of people belongs to God and that every person is God’s creation and, therefore, sacred, regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or economic situation.