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With the right amount of life insurance, you can take care of final expenses and your loved ones. Western Fraternal Life is a not-for-profit financial services organization that gives back to communities where members live and work.

For more than a century, Western Fraternal Life has been helping its members reach their financial goals, protect their loved ones, and enrich their lives.

Life insurance can provide you with a piece of mind, with the right amount of life insurance you can make sure that loved ones will have a replacement for the income lost due to death, enough money to take care of final expenses, or even help pay housing expenses. Western Fraternal Life has two types of life insurance, term and permanent.

Term Life insurance is affordable life insurance coverage for a specific period of time covering 10, 20 or 30 years. With guaranteed level premiums and the option to convert to permanent protection, term insurance is often an attractive option for those on a budget and need a large amount of protection such as families or homeowners with a mortgage.

Western Fraternal Life is a life insurance agency located in Cedar Rapids, IA.