NEW LISTINGS $112,500 $122,500 $154,900 $175,000 $179,900 $235,000 $329,900 $379,700 1341 B Ave NW, Cedar Rapids 3701 Foxborough Terr NE Unit B, Cedar Rapids 3900 Glass Rd NE Unit A, Cedar Rapids 1011 23rd St SE, Cedar Rapids 118 Park St, Fairfax 1019 Carver St, lowa City 295 White Pine St, Robins 3308 Benton lowa Rd, Norway OPEN HOUSES 1-3 pm 214 6th St SW Cedar Rapids $109,900 // 2 BD | 1 BA Dan Kaestner 319-560-2330 2 BD | 2 BA SALES 2 BD | 1 BA 3 BD | 2 BA 3 BD | 1 BA 3 BD | 1 BA 3 BD | 1 BA 3 BD | 3 BA 3 BD | 2 BA 12- 2 pm 3508 River Ridge Ct NE Cedar Rapids $519,000 // 4 BD | 4.5 BA Victoria Pedersen 319-321-6479 Want to see more? Check us out online: SALE We're your FOR ºSTOP OSHOP 12-1 pm 204 4th Ave 11 am - 12 pm 1341 B Ave NW Cedar Rapids $112,500 // 2 BD | 1.5 BA Olivia's Real Estate Team Babs Haggin Barry Frink/Brooke Zrudsky Abby Besler Olivia's Real Estate Team James Jensen Olivia's Real Estate Team, 319-350-1244 Keystone $128,000 //3 BD | 3 BA* *1 full + 2 half baths Melissa Lennie 319-310-2843 MORTGAGE John Beck Steve Eden TITLE TOWARealty lowa's Largest ESCROW 319-540-6591 319-360-6100 319-651-9624/319-899-2565 319-540-1705 319-540-6591 319-541-8102 319-981-9260 319-981-4125 1- 2:30 pm 3550 Stone Creek Cir SW #113, Cedar Rapids $144,900 // 2 BD | 2 BA Brenda Hart 319-310-7302 1:30 - 2:30 pm 6767 19th Ave Van Horne WWW.IOWAREALTY.COM $397,000 // 3 BD | 1 BA Melissa Lennie 319-310-2843 INSURANCE NEW LISTINGS $ 112,500 $ 122,500 $ 154,900 $ 175,000 $ 179,900 $ 235,000 $ 329,900 $ 379,700 1341 B Ave NW , Cedar Rapids 3701 Foxborough Terr NE Unit B , Cedar Rapids 3900 Glass Rd NE Unit A , Cedar Rapids 1011 23rd St SE , Cedar Rapids 118 Park St , Fairfax 1019 Carver St , lowa City 295 White Pine St , Robins 3308 Benton lowa Rd , Norway OPEN HOUSES 1-3 pm 214 6th St SW Cedar Rapids $ 109,900 // 2 BD | 1 BA Dan Kaestner 319-560-2330 2 BD | 2 BA SALES 2 BD | 1 BA 3 BD | 2 BA 3 BD | 1 BA 3 BD | 1 BA 3 BD | 1 BA 3 BD | 3 BA 3 BD | 2 BA 12- 2 pm 3508 River Ridge Ct NE Cedar Rapids $ 519,000 // 4 BD | 4.5 BA Victoria Pedersen 319-321-6479 Want to see more ? Check us out online : SALE We're your FOR ºSTOP OSHOP 12-1 pm 204 4th Ave 11 am - 12 pm 1341 B Ave NW Cedar Rapids $ 112,500 // 2 BD | 1.5 BA Olivia's Real Estate Team Babs Haggin Barry Frink / Brooke Zrudsky Abby Besler Olivia's Real Estate Team James Jensen Olivia's Real Estate Team , 319-350-1244 Keystone $ 128,000 // 3 BD | 3 BA * * 1 full + 2 half baths Melissa Lennie 319-310-2843 MORTGAGE John Beck Steve Eden TITLE TOWARealty lowa's Largest ESCROW 319-540-6591 319-360-6100 319-651-9624 / 319-899-2565 319-540-1705 319-540-6591 319-541-8102 319-981-9260 319-981-4125 1- 2:30 pm 3550 Stone Creek Cir SW # 113 , Cedar Rapids $ 144,900 // 2 BD | 2 BA Brenda Hart 319-310-7302 1:30 - 2:30 pm 6767 19th Ave Van Horne WWW.IOWAREALTY.COM $ 397,000 // 3 BD | 1 BA Melissa Lennie 319-310-2843 INSURANCE