HALL-PERRINE CANCER CENTER Hats off To SURVIVORS! Celebrote National Cancer Survivors Day with a contactless popcorn & hat handout.* MERCY THURSDAY, JUNE 3 | 10 A.M. TO 2 P.M. CEDAR RAPIDS Drive thru ond say hi to stuff - whether you've been recenty diognosed, currenty being treated or completed with treatment - you are a survivor and we celebrate you! *While supplies last 701 10th Street SE HALL-PERRINE CANCER CENTER Hats off To SURVIVORS! Celebrote National Cancer Survivors Day with a contactless popcorn & hat handout.* MERCY THURSDAY, JUNE 3 | 10 A.M. TO 2 P.M. CEDAR RAPIDS Drive thru ond say hi to stuff - whether you've been recenty diognosed, currenty being treated or completed with treatment - you are a survivor and we celebrate you! *While supplies last 701 10th Street SE