WMT'S SOUTHERN ITALY & SICILY SEPTEMBER 13-28, 2024 CALL 319-393-1359 FOR A BROCHURE A Cobblestones, customs, coastline and cuisine gets underway in Rome, heads down to Italy's heel to its toe and all the way to Sicily. Enjoy Italy's lower half - a rich history awaits through wonderful sightseeing and food. TRAVEL LEADERS® DESTINATIONS UNLIMITED GLOBUS. Every journey tells a story" 419 First Street SE Cedar Rapids, IA 319-393-1359 WMT'S SOUTHERN ITALY & SICILY SEPTEMBER 13-28 , 2024 CALL 319-393-1359 FOR A BROCHURE A Cobblestones , customs , coastline and cuisine gets underway in Rome , heads down to Italy's heel to its toe and all the way to Sicily . Enjoy Italy's lower half - a rich history awaits through wonderful sightseeing and food . TRAVEL LEADERS® DESTINATIONS UNLIMITED GLOBUS . Every journey tells a story " 419 First Street SE Cedar Rapids , IA 319-393-1359