
HighPoint City Church is a non-denominational charismatic church in Iowa City, dedicated to following Jesus and spreading Biblical truth through worship, prayer, and relationships. We exist to rebuild broken places and awaken God-given dreams. Our mission is to awaken, rebuild and engage a broken world. When Jesus makes His home in our hearts, we truly come alive--we awaken our spiritual senses. Before Jesus returned to be with the Father in heaven, He gave us a command to make disciples of all the nations. Matthew 28:19 states, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” By obeying Jesus’ commission, we are rebuilding our lives, character, thoughts and actions as His disciples. We must be equipped with confidence and wisdom in the Lord so that we may discover how God wants to use us to accomplish His will. Our heart is to engage and activate the God-given gifts inside each one of us. By sharing the truth and fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, we are embracing the covenant promises He prepared for you and me. We must stand planted on the firm foundation of the Word of God. Our full reliance must be on Jesus Christ.

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