
Farmers Coop Association The important part of what makes a Co-op cooperative is working for the common benefit, and that means a great deal more than simply doing business. Of course, FCA is a business, and exactly like any other it needs to operate in the profit area, but since its beginnings, it has never lost sight of the fact it is also part of a community. It is a membership not to be taken lightly, either as a unit or individually by its members and employees. As a result, the Co-op maintains a considerable sense of community awareness, simply because its employees, at various times, serve on the city council, board of education, church councils and committees and volunteer for numerous community projects, knowing the vital thing is common benefit. The Co-op reguarly donates within the community. It may be as simple as providing paper cups or napkins for a fund-raising dinner or as large as closing the entire office, freeing staff to assist with clean-up efforts in the wake of a devastating storm. In both cases, it is possible because the Co-op is a local business, supervised and directed by local people. While this action is visible, the real impact of the Co-op is less obvious. The economic value of the cooperative takes in the local payroll, property taxes, purchasing power and circulation of dividends. Unlike a conventional retailer, the Co-op returns money to its members who in all likelihood, ciruclate it through other local establishments. Yes, we make a profit. A business that does not profit does not stay in business. However, what we make, we share! Of course there have been years when the dividends were small or not at all, but there have also been very good years. The fact the Co-op hasn't only survived, but grown and prospered clearly demonstrates it must be doing something right. Most importantly we would like to thank all of our members, customers and our community for their continued support of Farmers Coop and allowing us to serve you each and everyday.

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