7th Avenue Uptown Marion between 10th & 12th Streets 2023 ART the AVENUE MARION ARTS FESTIVAL Saturday, May 20 | Uptown Marion www.marionartsfestival.com | @marionartsfestival Presenting Sponsor Major Sponsors thegarale.com Collins Aerospace FSB myfsbonline.com | Member FOC Alliant Energy. Veridian CREDUN CORRIDOR RUNNING 7th Avenue Uptown Marion between 10th & 12th Streets 2023 ART the AVENUE MARION ARTS FESTIVAL Saturday , May 20 | Uptown Marion www.marionartsfestival.com | @marionartsfestival Presenting Sponsor Major Sponsors thegarale.com Collins Aerospace FSB myfsbonline.com | Member FOC Alliant Energy . Veridian CREDUN CORRIDOR RUNNING